
Become a Madhatter by knitting 50 hats each year. If you are local, upon request, you can make the donation together with our team and arrange a tour with the NICU. The gift of giving and seeing for yourself how you've touched and helped the life of a preemie and their family gives you an enormous sense of satisfaction. Invite new members to join Madhatter Knits as the more volunteer we can acquire, the more hats we can donate to make a difference to even more families.
Start a Chapter

Apply to be a Chapter Leader and learn how you can start a regional chapter in your community or start a campus chapter at your school. You can establish a regional chapter in your state and expand Madhatter Knits to your area. Our campus chapters host fundraisers throughout the year to sponsor students at Madhatter Knits partner schools while spreading awareness and creating a dialogue in their residence halls, student center, local community, and on social media. To learn more about how to start a chapter, click below!

Your fundraising fuels our programs that are working to reduce the struggles of premature babies and their parents. Your fundraising saves lives by enabling us to continue to protect fragile and vulnerable premature babies and their families. We can’t think of a better way to use your time and your talents. There is a myriad of ways to fundraise for Madhatter Knits. We rely on individuals like you to maintain our mission and purpose. Around 90% of our funding comes from individuals like you. Make a true impact by helping us fundraise in fun ways.
Earn your PVSA
We are a Certifying Organization for the PRESIDENT’S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD, a national program recognizing Americans who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service. It is a premier volunteer awards program that sets you apart from your peers. Along with the certificate, you will receive a personally signed letter from President Trump and a medallion from the Trump Council. We are currently accepting applications for members who are interested in applying for your Presidential Volunteer Service Award. Click below to learn more about the requirements for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award.
Become an Ambassador

Madhatter Knits has an Ambassador Program open to all ages. If you are interested in spreading our mission of helping support premature babies and their families, we welcome you to apply to become an Ambassador! Ambassadors of Madhatters are in charge of external responsibilities such as fundraising, marketing, and community relation. They use their networks to help spread and help more people understand our purpose and recruit more members. As a Madhatter Knits Ambassador, you will be in charge o more of the social networking aspect and help us spread awareness.

Madhatter Knits relies on the support of both our corporate and individual donors. Through in-kind and monetary donations, event sponsorships, and funding special programs, you or your company can make a significant impact on the lives of the preemies Madhatter Knits serves. With the continuous need for beanies from hospitals, Madhatter Knits rely on the support of our corporate sponsors to help provide yarns, looms, knitting kits to the preemies in the NICU. Sponsors can underwrite Madhatter Knits' responsive programming including our Maternal COVID Protection Care Kits and the newborn face shields donated to hospitals.